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"I see the play as a big tool for eucation about sexual exploitation. It's opening a can of worms some people may be ready to see it, some may not, but it is reality."

Olinka Briceno, Social Worker, Boston - from "Safe Not Sold" by Tenley Woodman, Boston Herald

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"I see the play as a big tool for eucation about sexual exploitation. It's opening a can of worms some people may be ready to see it, some may not, but it is reality."

Olinka Briceno, Social Worker, Boston - from "Safe Not Sold" by Tenley Woodman, Boston Herald

CLICK HERE to read the full story

"I am always thrilled by the willingness of actors to be present with unfamiliar material, and with their collaborative ability to transform time and space in the view of witnesses...The play is excellently written, which again solves the old contentions about social activism and art. Deborah’s play, which is based on interviews with actual young people who’ve been abused, used, and who themselves took responsibility for bad choices, is effectively structured so that private stories reveal a public horror visited upon many young people in this country."

Robbie McCauley, Playwright/Performer/Profesor Emeritus, Emerson College - from BODY & SOLD: Playwright Deborah Lake Fortson Addresses the Teenage Sex Trafficking Crisis by Charlotte Meehan and Adara Meyers for HowlRound

CLICK HERE to read the full interview

"I go back with Boston-based actress/playwright Deborah Lake Fortson over 30 years...For well over a decade, the dramatist and actress has been focusing on an ambitious, globe-trotting project that dovetails the power of the theater with a desire to combat the mounting problem of the sexual exploitation of adolescents. Her documentary play, Body & Sold, winner of a 2005 Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist’s Award, revolves around the ‘real life’ stories of teen sex trafficking, dramatizing the experiences (drawn from interviews) of eight young survivors while it explores the raw realities of life on the margins in five American cities, including Boston.

Bill Marx - The Arts Fuse

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

"Many people hear the words 'sex trafficking' and belive it's something happens that happens somewhere else, in a foreign land. Body & Sold is a play that seeks to dispel this belief and show the community that sex trafficking happens more often than not in our own backyard. "

"' Body & Sold' puts focus on child trafficking in U.S." by Kristin Santa Maria, Bristol Observer

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