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Stage a BODY & SOLD reading and join us in raising awareness about sex trafficking and child abuse in America.




TEMPEST PRODUCTIONS will provide the script. The cost to use the script is $250, which supports the national campaign network. Tempest will provide a press release template, poster template, and suggestions about staging and fundraising. It can be done as a reading or as a full production. It is effective either way.


The host group will recruit the actors, director, find a venue, and attract an audience. If you have never produced a play, you might propose the project to the  theater department of a college or high school A host group may request assistance from Tempest to arrange production details, or oversee some rehearsals. These options will incur additional charges.


BODY & SOLD can be produced in many kinds of spaces, from a small room to a big theater. It is 80 minutes long and requires 10-12 actors. You can present it with professional actors or with students, a teenage group, or a mixture of trained and amateur performers.




15% of the funds raised by staging BODy & SOLD will be donated by the host group to Tempest to help defray expenses of coordinating the readings on the national level. Tempest is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Donations are fully tax deductible.

The fundraising mission of this project is to raise funds for community institutions that help teens at risk. 85% of ticket sales or money raised must be donated to an institution or project in your community that is helping teens and parents at risk. Tempest can help you identify these groups.




The BODY & SOLD play can stimulate many ideas on how to change the culture of exploitation. Ask the local police department if they would come to speak about their local experiences of working to curtail commercial sex operations. There are local social agencies that reach out to women and children at risk; they would be good speakers. We especially encourage communities to bring young people to the play, brainstorm with their ideas and strategies, and help to implement them.




The reading you stage will bring your community together to tap into their inspired ideas about working for change. The vibrant voices in the play will stimulate creative energy in your audience to raise their voices in ways that can change our culture and empower our young people.  Thank you for being part of the change!



Deborah Lake Fortson, Artistic Director,co-Producer (617) 731-9697

Amy Merrill, co-Producer, (617) 477-4916





© 2015 by Tempest Productions

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